Tuesday 13 August 2013

Group Assignment Cover

This purpose of this blog is for Environmental Issues (SCI 219) group assignment. All the posts are written by the students listed below:

Tho Wai Kei C1200315
Ooi Wan Yun C1100101

Saturday 10 August 2013

August's BLUE Skies

Image taken from Department of Environment showing the API readings on August 10, 2013 in Malaysia. 

Malaysia is blanketed by the haze few weeks and finally the blue skies has returned and people are able to breathe in fresh air. However, some areas still under the moderate reading of API ( states with green API reading). As mentioned in the previous post, the dry period in southern ASEAN region will last until October which means that the haze phenomenon might attack Malaysia again depends on the direction of the wind.  Therefore, hope that everyone are aware with this issue and take precaution before it is too late. 

Finally, let's fight against haze and stay healthy. Hope that this blog helps you to understand what is haze, the seriousness of haze, the impact of haze to the people and the country. Hopefully the precautions suggested can help all of us to fight against haze. 

Wednesday 24 July 2013

Precaution against Haze

Pay Attention on Air Quality
People should aware about the latest levels of the air condition.They can check API levels from news, newspaper, and website from Department of Environment.

Reduce Outdoor Activities
People should stay at home instead of outdoor activities due to the hazardous air quality.

Wear a Mask

Everyone who wants to go out should wear a right mask to prevent inhale the haze. A N95 respirator mask is effective in filtering out the fine particles that are produced by haze. People should not expose themselves unnecessarily to the haze, especially those who have respiratory problems or other related illnesses.

Close Windows and Doors 
People should close windows and doors that may allow haze t enter home and office. However, if the whether is hot, it could become danger if people stay indoor with enclosed area. Therefore, people should seek alternative shelter.

Use Air Purifier
People can choose an air purifier that is suitable the shelter to keep the particulate levels low.

Take Medication Regularly
If the person have existing diseases such as heart or respiratory illnesses, the person should take the medication regularly. If you have breath difficulty at this point, seek medical attention immediately.

Drink More Water
People should drink more water and increase intake of fresh fruits and vegetables o helps the body to flush out toxins absorbed through the skin and lungs. Additionally, this can improve the immune system.

Avoid Smoking Indoor
This may increase the levels of pollution if people continue to smoke or burns anything openly for an extended period of time.

Avoid Driving 

When the visibility is bad or limited by the haze, people should avoid driving to prevent accident. People should use the public transport if really need to go somewhere. If you really need to drive, do not speed and turn on the headlight and avoid changing lanes and increase following distance.

Health Advisory in Different API Levels

The following shows some of the effect and health advisory for different index value of API levels. 

There is no precautions required in 50 to 100. When the index value was reached 101 to 200, those susceptible population could have heart or lung ailments, eye irritation, sneezing, coughing. These people with respiratory problems should reduce physical exertion and outdoor activities.

When the index value was reached 101 to 200, this is  unhealthy level. This air quality could decreased tolerance in persons with heart or lung diseases. Elderly and persons with existing heart or lung illnesses should stay at indoors. The general population should avoid vigorous outdoor activities. On the other hand, people should put air cleaning devices in homes and offices.

Once the index value reached 201 to 300, it is very unhealthy levels for air quality. Due to this serious level, children, elderly, and illness person should stay indoors and avoid outdoor activities. The general population should avoid all unnecessary outdoor activities. People must wear a mask if they are going out. 

There is hazardous level once the index value of API is above 301. People  should keep physical exertion and outdoor activities to as low as level as possible. People should avoid outdoors activities.

Bliss Air (2013) Health effects of haze. Retrieved from:

Not only impact our health, but could impact ECONOMIC GROWTH

The haze not only impact your health, but may also impact economic growth of some part of the country if the atmosphere's condition does not improve and remain the unhealthy range. It could impact the our daily life.
The tourists from other countries tend to stay at home country instead of going out to the place which with unhealthy condition. Due to the unhealthy environment and people tend to reduce outdoor activities, tourism and leisure businesses lose their business at this point. Also, it could be lose millions of ringgit at current situation. In addition, if the haze getting worse, the tourists may return to their country and spread word about the situation of our country.
They might spread word by social network such as Facebook, and this will affect our tourism industry in future. Out country may blacklisted by other people due to the bad environment condition. On the other hand, the haze also affect consumer spending. People from our country would travel to other countries to escape the haze. It is a negative impact to our tourism industry.

Tuesday 23 July 2013

Stop Burning!!!Haze in Malaysia 2013

This video shows the dangerous haze going on in Malaysia. During the haze episodes, we can smell the the haze is very strong. The haze covered the view of our country. I can't even see our lovely KLCC at that  time. Some place used to be a  lot of buildings of the view, but everything was covered by the haze. We should try our best to save the forest as save our mother earth and our life. Normally in Malaysia, the haze happen almost every year but is normally not this serious. Due to the excessive pollution and burning of rubbish, the haze has gone really bad. The only way to make it better is to stop burning forest and rubbish so often. We should save our forest and stop cutting down the trees and mountains. 

How Haze Affect Your Health

Eyes Inflammation 

Irritated Eyes
Watering Eyes

Nasal Irritation
Running Nose
Stuffy Nose
Post-Nasal Drip

Throat irritation

Dry Throat 
Sore Throat

Lung Inflammation 
Decreased Lung Function
Depressed Respiratory Immune Defenses
Chest Pain

Stress, Headache, Dizziness, Fatigue